Sunday, June 10, 2012

First Practice Was Nuts...

...okay it really wasn't nuts as in crazy, but there was a joke about peanuts (to be told later) and trail mix snacks.

My trepidation has now past and I have no reason to feel as uncomfortable, so we will see how next week goes! 

The first part was the business/information part and introductions.  I love that there are honored teammates doing the events with us.  It is so inspiring.  In fact, it makes me feel like there are no excuses when accomplishing things. We also went over walking and running techniques.  I learned two important things.  One, I do not walk properly (blah, need to work on that.)  Two, walkers can be quite fast.  I laughed because my running time for a half marathon is about the time of a fast full marathon walker plan. 

The second part was our 30 minute run.  I was really excited to find people to do intervals with that I can keep up with.  They were a nice bunch and I can't wait to get to know them more.  Intervals are great for endurance running because it is actually faster for runners than to run as long as you can (which I used to do)  My interval is a 3:1, so I run for three minutes and than walk for one.  It was tough mentally because it was a run through out a park in a circle.  It has the same feel as running a track.  I am not a fan of the round and round.  "I just feel like I was just here!"  Basically, for me, it is the mental part of running that slows me down.  Whatever the reason, when I keep having to pass the place that I started off with, it messes with my head.  I am hoping the training will help me mentally. 

The third part, was a stretch and breakfast.  As we were stretching, it was getting really quiet.  The coach made mention to have someone tell a joke in the silence.  Me being the opposite of shy, I thought I would tell my favorite simple and funny joke.  It is not as funny reading it as it is telling it, but let's see if you can get it.

"Two peanuts were walking down the road; one was assaulted."  Read it out loud!

Snack was provided by all the mentors and coaches.  Delicious homemade coffee cake and trail mix.

All and all, a good day.

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